D. Dubbers, Heidelberg University
Neutron decay and neutron oscillations
W.F. Henning, GSI Darmstadt
The FAIR project at GSI
G. Hermann, MPIK Heidelberg
TeV Gamma-Ray Astronomy with HESS and beyond
K.P. Jungmann, KVI Groningen
Research on Discrete Symmetries with Stable and Radioactive Isotopes
Y. Kuno, Osaka University
Future prospect on searches for lepton flavor violation with muons
H. Rauch, TU Wien
Quantum properties of neutrons
S. Paul, TU München
Particle and Astrophysics: The neutrons perspective
B.L. Roberts, Boston University
Precision measurements of the muon dipole moments and the muon lifetime
S. Schönert, MPIK Heidelberg
The GERDA neutrino-less double beta experiment
N. Severijns, KU Leuven
Probing exotic weak currents in nuclear beta decay
C. Weinheimer, Münster University
The KATRIN neutrino mass measurement experiment