Poster contributions

Poster contributions presenting new ideas and projects in astro-particle, ultracold neutron, lepton flavor and nuclear physics as well as new accelerators and high power target stations are highly welcome. These will play a vital role for the meeting.


We would like to publish all contributions on this website.
For this the preferred format will be pdf files. In case you manage to send us your contribuiton before January 8th, 2007 (email your pdf (!) to we offer to print your poster at PSI and put it up for you.
We will explicitly confirm the receipt of your contribution.

If you prefer to bring your poster yourself, please stick to a size up to A0. Posters can be put up on January 18th, 2007 before 10:30 a.m. in the Foyer of the Auditorium (WHGA).
Poster panels, glue, pins and other tools will be available.

Deadline for poster registration: December 20, 2006

Poster Titles


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